Trying To Get Your Pre-Baby Body Back?

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Trying To Get Your Pre-Baby Body Back?

You’ve just had a baby and your body is not the same as before. Anxious to get your figure back? You’re not the only one. Discover the answers to one of our most asked questions.


Q: Can I take SkinnyMint products while pregnant or breastfeeding?

As every individual’s pregnancy experience is different, we recommend that you consult your medical practitioner before using our products if you are pregnant or breastfeeding.


Young Mom with Daughter and 28 Day Teatox


Q: I’ve stopped breastfeeding, what products should I take?

You burn about 500 calories a day when you’re breastfeeding (PS: that’s what you burn in a 2-hour yoga class), and once you stop, it’s hard to find the time to burn as many calories as that. When you’re ready to start your post-baby diet and got the OK from your doctor to proceed, here are some of our products that other moms found helpful in their post-partum weight loss journey.


28 Day Ultimate Teatox

An all-time favorite, 28 Day Ultimate Teatox helps to reduce the bloat and cleanses your body with all-natural ingredients. We like to think the reason why moms love it is because of how easy it is to integrate into their lifestyle, even when they are busy looking after their babies. It’s as easy as replacing your morning coffee with a refreshing cup of morning tea; and letting our night tea work its detox magic while you catch up on some much-needed sleep.

Joanna M.

I’ve been taking Teatox before I got pregnant and stopped because of my baby. After I gave birth and finished my breastfeeding, I decided to get back on it because it works for me. Morning Boost gives me extra energy and it takes longer for me to feel tired. Night Cleanse gives me a satisfying sleep. 

Joanna M.


After having my second baby I wasn’t losing weight like before and that motivated me to kickstart my journey. It is amazingly delicious and the weight is melting off! It took me 15 days to get these results with me cutting out sodas and adding moderate exercise. 

Kirstie R.


Green Cleansing Elixir

You’ll need to make sure your body is getting enough nutrition so that you can recover and heal. Get your daily dose of greens and more in just minutes with Green Cleansing Elixir. Looking after a baby is a full-time job that may leave you with no time or energy to food prep. This unique superfood complex combines 22 superfoods and probiotics all in just one scoop to support your gut health and reduce bloat. 

“Juicing was taking so much time. I am a mother; I work 9-5 and have a business on the side. I needed something easier and this did the trick.” – Nicole G.


Green Cleansing Elixir


Q: What else can I do to get my pre-baby body back?

Rev up your metabolism and keep it going with small lifestyle changes. While you need to scale back on calories a little bit, you can definitely prevent those numbers on the scale from creeping back up.


Don’t crash diet

While regaining your pre-pregnancy figure may be your top priority, you’ll need to think long term and make sure your body is getting enough nutrition for you to recover and heal. Reducing the calories you eat doesn’t mean going on a very low-calorie diet to lose weight in the fastest time possible. 

Healthier food choices

Taking care of your newborn will probably leave you sleep-deprived and a crash diet is likely to leave you feeling tired, with less energy. Decrease your calorie intake by about 500 calories a day for a safe and gradual weight loss. The pounds may not come off as fast, but it’s likely that you’ll be able to maintain it better in the long run.  

Make your calories count by filling your diet with a variety of nutrient-rich meals including lean protein, whole grains, fresh fruit, vegetables and low-fat dairy food. Or make smarter choices, such as opting for our Hunger Buster Gummies if you need to satisfy that sweet tooth.

Hunger Buster Gummies


Keep your goals realistic

You’re not the only one struggling to get your pre-baby body back. According to a study, 3 in 4 women were heavier 1 year postpartum than they were pre-pregnancy, with almost half more than 10 lbs heavier than before and 1 in 4 women more than 20 lbs heavier than their pre-baby days.

Depending on how much weight you gained during pregnancy, it’s realistic and totally normal to take 1 to 2 years to drop the “baby weight”. So don’t be in such a rush to lose it all, the rule of the thumb is you’ll need to lose it healthily. After all, you need to stay healthy to look after your baby.

Keep Your Goals Realistic


Ready to get your pre-baby body back?

Check these products out:

28 Day Teatox 

28 Day Ultimate Teatox

  • Kickstarts your metabolism
  • Promotes natural weight loss
  • Reduces bloat
  • Supports your body’s natural detox process

Shop Teatox


Green Cleansing Elixir

Green Cleansing Elixir

  • 22 superfoods and probiotics
  • Supports gut health
  • Improves digestion
  • Reduces bloat

Shop Elixir

Written By: Venetia Chan

Edited By: Venetia Chan